The Errors of Harold Camping

While Harold Camping is not the boogie man, and doesn’t have horns, he is still dangerous  What makes Harold Camping dangerous is his ability to influence scores of people to buy into his personal interpretation of scripture.  His bully pulpit is Family Radio, where he has reigned unchallenged for decades.  Even though he is not ordained, or recognized by any major denomination, Camping promotes himself as an authority on the bible.  No responsible Christian leader has recognized Camping’s ability to “rightly divide the word of truth.”  But that has not dissuaded him from his personal agenda.  Camping’s latest prognostication errs in a number of areas.  I’ll try to be brief in pointing out his errors.

  1. He claims knowledge that only the Father possesses (Mat. 24:36; Acts 1:7).
  2. He underestimates both the immensity and the immediacy of Christ’s second coming (Heb. 12:26; 2 Pet. 3:10-11; Rev. 1:7).
  3. He upsets the faith of the fainthearted and leads many sheep into doubt and sin.  As a result God will hold him accountable for his erroneous teachings (Mat. 18:6; Jas. 3:1).

The child of God has no reason to fear the return of the Lord.  While we do not know the day or the hour, we do know that Christ will return (John 14:3).  The bible does not tell us to worry about Christ’s return.  We are to believe by faith that He will return.  But in the meantime we are to be occupied with building God’s kingdom on earth by being faithful witness for Christ.  If Christ tarries for another ten thousand years that is great news.  It means that many more people will hear, and believe, the gospel message.  If Christ returns tomorrow that is also great news.  It means the kingdom of our God, and of His Christ, has come and He will reign forever and ever.

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